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人声套件 iZotope Nectar Plus v3.9.0 PC/v3.8.0 MAC

2023-6-24 15:03| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 1557| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

软件格式:VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64
大小:310.4 MB

Nectar 3 Plus 更新了改进的 Unmasking 控件和键检测,是用于人声制作、润色和混音的最强大的音频插件。
控制您的 Unmasking
Vocal Assistant:Unmask与其他插件对话以发送信息并清理混音中与您的人声冲突的音频。您可以通过 Neutron、Relay 或 Nectar 3 中的新 EQ 窗口可视化 Unmasking,并使用新的数量滑块控制效果。打开动态设置,Nectar 3 Plus 会跟踪人声并确保仅在人声存在时才进行屏蔽。
*声乐助手:Unmask 在 Nectar 3 Plus、Relay 和 Neutron 3 Standard 和 Advanced 中工作
为什么是 Nectar 3 Plus?
12 个以人声为重点的处理模块提供您对任何类型人声所需的处理。获取 DSP 以实现和声、倍频、饱和等等。
首选人声 EQ Nectar 3 强大的流畅 EQ 可以跟踪您人声信号的谐波,让您可以根据音高进行削减或增强。

在流畅、可调整大小的 UI 中进行手术雕刻和抛光压缩、去除、混合和声等。Nectar 3 是一个完整的声乐制作环境,包含在一个插件中。
v3.6.0(2021 年 10 月 4 日)
• 在基于 Apple Silicon ARM 的 Mac(Big Sur)上添加了对 Rosetta 的支持。
• 修复了基于 Apple Silicon ARM 的 Mac 上的 AU 插件验证失败。
• 修复了将 Nectar 3 Plus 与某些插件(MAAT、InaGRM、Sonnox 等)一起添加到会话时可能发生的崩溃。
• 修复了Big Sur(Intel 和Apple Silicon Rosetta)Pro Tools 中AAX 实例中不可见的内联编辑文本字段框。
• 修复了在关闭并重新打开 Nectar UI 时导致当前选择的预设名称被清除的问题。
• 更新预设系统以将只读出厂预设安装到根目录并将用户预设写入用户文档目录。
• 各种错误修复

Introducing Nectar 3, the most sophisticated set of tools designed for mixing vocals. Address every part of your vocal chain and get professional-sounding vocals in seconds.

First introduced in 2010, Nectar has found a space in studios all over the globe, offering world-class processing designed to get to a professional result in seconds. With version 3, Nectar helps your vocal tracks sing by addressing each part of the vocal production chain, offering invaluable machine-learning features, innovative new signal processing, and communication across your session.


Due to the change of iLok deal in iZotope products, we haven't released
new products for years. That "AuthAssistant.exe" is dropped and all iLok API
call is included in the plugin itself, which means emulator is not a possible
attack anymore.
Although cracking iZotope is not a difficult job, we took a time to make it
"better" in many meanings, just install and enjoy
- Simplified custom installer
- Pre iLok Authorization without iLok driver
- Seperate component installer (No installation collision like orignal)
- No installation info disappearing like original
- Better compression than original
- Faster installation than original

You CAN mix new R2R releases with others, but NOT RECOMMENDED, since new
iZotope installer has some issues we listed above. You should install R2R
releases only, to take the best advantage.
If you want to clean up old iZotope releases before starting installing new
R2R releases,
1. Uninstall ALL iZotope products
2. Delete RegKey HKCU\Software\iZotope
3. Done, let's start clean iZotope life and
Stay away from official installers.

Because we don't use official installer nor iLok integration, we won't
release minor change updates for iZotope products.
v2.00 -> v2.01 - We take care
v2.00 -> v2.00b - We won't because not affected
In other words, you can ignore those official minor change if you use R2R
releases. If updated is needed by minor changes, we take care in that case.





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