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虚拟通道条包 Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack Complete v2.6.4.0 PC

2021-9-2 09:23| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 1940| 评论: 0

大小:483.3 MB
VMR 2.0 允许音频工程师使用充满模拟建模插件的库轻松创建他们梦想中的通道条。从几十个模块中选择,包括老式模型的 EQ、压缩机、增强剂、过滤器、前置放大器、混合控制台等。但是,即使除了 VMR 2.0 获得的声音之外,您也从整个处理链中一个方便的窗口中获得额外的速度和效率。VMR 2.0 附带混合束一,其中包含四个石板数字处理模块:FG-401 压缩机、FG-S EQ、FG-161 FET 压缩机和 FG-N EQ。

VMR 2.0 中的新功能:

- 梦想条 + 8 即时可调用和可自定义的通道条配置,只需单击一下即可访问
- 重新设计的界面
- 轻松撤消和重做
- 从以下模块中去除噪声:FG-N、FG-S、FG应力、FG-73、FG-76
- 添加了清除机架按钮
- 引入过采样选项(通过"设置"菜单)
- 添加了第二个库视图:列表视图
- 在库中添加了"搜索模块"功能

VMR 2.0 allows audio engineers to easily create the channel strips of their dreams using a library full of analog modeled plugins. Choose from dozens of modules including vintage modeled EQs, compressors, enhancers, filters, preamps, mixing consoles, and more. But even beyond the sound you can get with VMR 2.0, you also get the added bonus of speed and efficiency from having your entire processing chain in one convenient window. VMR 2.0 ships with the Mix Bundle One, which contains four Slate Digital processing modules: FG-401 Compressor, FG-S EQ, FG-161 FET Compressor and FG-N EQ.

What’s new in VMR 2.0:

- Dream Strips – 8 Instantly Recallable and Customizable Channel Strip Configurations Accessible with 1-Click
- Redesigned Interface
- Easy Undo & Redo
- Removed Noise from the following modules: FG-N, FG-S, FG-Stress, FG-73, FG-76
- Added a Clear Rack button
- Introduced the Oversampling option (through Settings menu)
- Added a second Library view: List view
- Added a “Search Modules” feature in the Library






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