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大提琴连奏 Cinesamples Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato v1.4.0 KONTAKT

2020-3-26 12:15| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 952| 评论: 0

大小:6.04 GB

蒂娜·郭的明显情绪化的声学大提琴被捕捉为独奏莱加托补丁利用一个全新的录音和编程技术 - 引入无缝莱加托!在洛杉矶索尼电影制片厂的传奇米高梅得分阶段录制,其中包括Cinesample的CineStrings独奏莱加托引擎。



她作为一个工作室音乐家的广泛信用列表,具有广受好评的好莱坞乐谱,如《盗梦》,福尔摩斯,和铁人2。蒂娜的大提琴作品(声学和电力)也可以在主要视频游戏标题中听到,包括《使命召唤:黑色行动II》、《Diablo III》和格莱美提名(视觉媒体最佳配乐)旅程,仅举几例。她也是众所周知的工作,在电视音乐家庭盖伊,精神主义者,山之王等,以及各种广告为美国联合航空公司,马自达,苹果iPhone和更多。


首次作为我们的艺术家系列的新增内容推出:蒂娜郭声音设计库,声学大提琴莱加托补丁现在可供个人购买,根据大众的需求!蒂娜的富有表现力的独奏声学大提琴表演采用全新的莱加托编程方法,在索尼影城米高梅评分阶段拍摄,以可访问且直观的莱加托补丁形式带给您。Tina 的签名持续声音将很容易融入您的弦乐合奏组合组合作为特色乐器,并为您的部分带来新鲜的声音。

购买此补丁后,您将收到一张优惠券,价格为 99 美元,包括完整的艺术家系列:蒂娜郭声音库,如果您选择扩展您的蒂娜郭声音调色板十倍!

电影的自适应 LEGATO 引擎 - 新的 v1.2!
Cinesample 将从 CineStrings SOLO 真莱加托贴片的 Legato 发动机应用到蒂娜·郭声学大提琴莱加托。它允许您根据自己的演奏风格定制 Legato 响应,并设计为对您的表演做出音乐响应。发动机检测您的播放速度,并智能地调整间隔速度以匹配。这意味着您可以在单个性能中播放慢速、表现力的线路和快速运行,而无需触摸快速拨号。此外,强度参数对速度有响应。

Tina Guo's distinctly emotive acoustic cello captured as a solo legato patch utilizing a brand new recording and programming technique - introducing Seamless Legato! Recorded at the legendary MGM Scoring Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles, it includes Cinesamples' CineStrings Solo Legato engine.

Tina Guo has developed an international multi-faceted performance and recording career as a classical acoustic cellist, heavy metal electric cellist, erhuist, and composer. Her distinctive sound and improvisatory style have been featured in major motion picture, television, and game scores. Taking her formal training from USC to new musical heights, she enjoys experimenting with a wide range of effects and digital processors, ever expanding upon her sound.

As Tina’s distinguishes herself most remarkably through her live musical performances, her numerous appearances on arena stages have naturally taken her around the globe to countries including Denmark, Greece, Sweden, Germany, Russia, Spain, Italy, France, Japan and the UK, among many others. She has lent her talent to live film and game attractions and television events such as the The Grammy Awards, American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, The Sundance and Tenerife Film Festivals, Comic Con and the League of Legends World Championship.

Her extensive credit list as a studio musician features acclaimed Hollywood scores such as Inception, Sherlock Holmes, and Iron Man 2. Tina’s cello work (acoustic and electric) can also be heard on major video game titles including Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Diablo III and Grammy-nominated (Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media) Journey, to name just a few. She is also very well known for her work in television music on Family Guy, The Mentalist, King of the Hill and more, as well as various commercials for United Airlines, Mazda, Apple iPhone and more.

Tina performs on her Gand & Bernadel Cello made in Paris, France in 1880. On electric cello, she plays a customized Yamaha SVC-210 as a Yamaha Performing Artist, and exclusively through ENGL amps. Tina also plays an Erhu made in Shanghai, China.

First introduced as an addition to our Artist Series: Tina Guo sound design library, the Acoustic Cello Legato patch is now available for individual purchase by popular demand! Featuring a brand new approach to legato programming, dubbed Seamless Legato, Tina's expressive solo acoustic cello performance was captured at the MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios and brought to you in the form of an accessible and intuitive legato patch. Tina's signature sustain sound will easily blend within your string ensemble compositions as a featured instrument, and bring a fresh voice to your section.

Upon purchase of this patch, you will receive a coupon for $99 off the complete Artist Series: Tina Guo sound library as well, if you choose to expand your Tina Guo sound palette tenfold!

Cinesamples applied the legato engine from CineStrings SOLO True Legato patches to Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato. It allows you to tailor the legato response to your own playing style, and is designed to respond musically to your performance. The engine detects your playing speed and intelligently adjusts the interval speed to match. This means you can play slow, expressive lines and fast runs in a single performance, without touching the speed dial. Additionally, the intensity parameter responds to velocity.





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