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仿真控制台通道条 Lindell Audio 80 Series v1.0.3 PC/MAC

2022-2-22 15:54| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 1455| 评论: 0

软件格式:PC,WiN32/64 - VST/VST3/AAX(MODiFiED) ; MAC,AU,VST
大小:256 nb

Neve 80系列控制台和80系列Mix Buss仿真是最受核心欢迎的控制台之一。

插件很荣幸为您将原始1073/1084/2225和1272线路放大器模块的精确仿真带入DAW。8028是Neve Electronics生产的经典的手动有线调音台之一,是一款真正神奇的办公桌,在过去的30年中,在该办公桌上削减了无数次创始记录。想想女王(Queen),大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie),涅磐(Nirvana),红辣椒和活结(Slipknot)-这个类似传奇的声音简直非同寻常。在Lindell 80系列中,您会发现侵略性和强大功能,可以使您的录音听起来像模拟的。

80系列模拟调音台的历史可以追溯到1969年,当时由于其独特性和稀有性而在某种程度上具有崇高的地位。这些桌子的各个模块以其惊人的深度,原始的高端和丰富的清晰度而著称,经受了时间的考验。难怪像Sound City Studios,Oscilloscope Labs,Electric Lady Studios和Sphere Studios这样的机构都依赖这张桌子提供的声音和功能。

Lindell 80系列频道将这张桌子的声音带入了数字领域。使用这种特定的Neve风味跟踪,混合和掌握您的记录,并获得只有原始通道条中的各个组件才可能实现的浓厚音调。

为了完善其新的控制台产品,Lindell Audio已从Brainworx获得了正在申请专利的Tolerance Modeling Technology(TMT)许可,以便在数字领域提供可靠的模拟体验。将您的歌曲与32个不同的通道混合,以复制原始硬件中的各种组件容差。作为PA系列的一部分,Lindell还通过此新的TMT控制台提供了工作流程和功能集,对于当前bx_console系列的所有用户来说,它们将非常熟悉。
法律免责声明:Lindell 80系列由Lindell Audio使用其自身的建模技术开发,所研究的产品之一是Neve 1073、1084 / 2254和Neve 1272(公共汽车)。Neve是AMS / Neve Inc.的注册商标,与Lindell Audio无关。AMS / Neve没有许可将任何知识产权用于Lindell 80系列,也没有以任何方式认可或支持Lindell 80系列。

Lindell 80系列通道
  • DAW中的1073/1084/2254的复古声音
  • 将8028 Neve控制台的声音引入您的ITB项目
  • 世界上最受欢迎的麦克风前置麦克风-1073的所有轰鸣声!
  • 所有零件的真实模拟算法仿真
  • 麦克风和线路变压器的音调以及三频段均衡器的频率选择达到“恰到好处”的最佳效果
  • 切换到Neve 1084,它基于享誉世界的1073的相同基本设计,但提供了完全不同的频率选择调色板。
  • 2254的音频路径中的单面,离散,A类电子设备和三个变压器听起来像丝般柔滑而豪华。
  • 自动恢复,压缩机上的并行混合控制以及THD,32个TMT通道等等!
  • 过采样:从2倍到16倍
  • GUI缩放:将插件GUI从标准大小的70%缩放到最大100%
Lindell 80系列客车
  • 根据Vintage Line Amp 1272建模
  • 最初为80系列调音台打造的1272线路放大器(1073线路驱动器)
  • “胖”低端响应,极限控制台混音分离
  • TMT和THD提供真正的模拟总线处理能力
  • 增强您个人的集体巴士和最终混音巴士的质感,以获得著名的Neve硬件的丰富流畅的音色

One of the most beloved consoles emulated to the core – Neve 80 Series Console and 80 Series Mix Buss emulations.

Lindell Plugins is proud to bring you their exacting emulation of the original 1073/1084/ 2254 and 1272 line amplifier module into your DAW. One of the classic hand-wired mixing consoles made by Neve Electronics, the 8028 is a truly magical desk on which countless seminal records have been cut in the last 30 years; think Queen, David Bowie, Nirvana, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Slipknot – the sound of this analog legend is nothing short of extraordinary. In the Lindell 80 Series, you will find aggression and power to make your records sound as analog as possible.

ating back to 1969 when it was first brought to the market, the 80 series analog mixing desks attained somewhat of a cult-like status due to their uniqueness and rarity. Known for their breathtaking depth, pristine high end and rich definition, the individual modules that comprise these desks have stood the test of time. It’s no wonder that institutions like Sound City Studios, Oscilloscope Labs, Electric Lady Studios and Sphere Studios have relied on the sound and features offered by this desk.

Lindell 80 Series Channel brings the sound of this desk into the digital domain. Track, mix and master your records with this particular Neve flavor and achieve the thick tone only made possible by the individual components found in the original channel strip.

To complete their new console offering, Lindell Audio has licensed the patent-pending Tolerance Modeling Technology (TMT) from Brainworx in order to provide an authentic analog experience in the digital realm. Mix your songs with 32 different channels in order to replicate the various component tolerances found in the original hardware. As part of the PA family, Lindell are also offering a work-flow and feature set with this new TMT console, which will feel very much familiar to all users of the current bx_console line.
Legal Disclaimer: The Lindell 80 Series was developed by Lindell Audio using its own modeling techniques, and one of the products studied was the Neve 1073, 1084/2254 and Neve 1272 (Buss). Neve is a registered trademark of AMS/Neve Inc., which is unaffiliated with Lindell Audio. AMS/Neve have not licensed any intellectual property for use in the Lindell 80 Series, nor have they endorsed or supported the Lindell 80 Series in any manner.






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